HwNodeAppTemplate Library
This library covers APIs that handles connection between node and IoTIgnite over Wifi.
Library covers the following functionalities: Network Service Discovery, TCP/IP server, IotIgnite connnection handler.
Add this library to your project’s app gradle dependencies in Android Studio as
compile 'com.ardic.android.iot:HwNodeAppTemplates:1.0'

WifiNodeDevice class implements basic functions needed for IotIgnite Wifi connection. By means of this library, you can implement the following handlers:
- A specific mDNS service enables node to dynamically receive your listening IP address and port (Network Service Discovery Server)
- TCP/IP server that listens sockets connected by nodes
- TCP/IP client socket that reads node data and writes node configuration or commands
- If your application is implemented as a service, it automatically starts after a device boot (Boot Completed Receiver)
- Monitoring Wifi network connection state and restarting related services when a Wifi connection issue occurs (Connection State Changed Receiver)
- Handling version conflict when IgniteSDKs used in Ignite Agent and Customer App are incompatible (Ignite SDK Compatibility Listener)
- Monitoring socket and IotIgnite connections and handling connection issues (Socket and Ignite Connection Listener)
- Sending data to Ignite and receiving action and configuration mesages from it

IotIgnite Dynamic Node Example sample application demonstrates the usage of this library.