Sequence Diagram

SPA to IoT Ignite Cloud Sequence Diagram


To discover Ignite nodes nearby, list the Wifi ssids and filter the ones with the IotIgnite prefix. Note that unregistered nodes wait for connections in Wifi hotspot mode as gateways do.

var filter = "IotIgnite";
    var igniteWifiArray = NetworkService.filterWifi(wifi, filter);


After selecting registered gateway from your service nearby, it is time to register node(s).

Get Device Details

  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken
  url: API_URL + '/device/' + deviceCode

Connect to that node with the help of the WifiWizard plugin handled in Network Service

After connecting to node, send configuration that contains its identifier, gateway id and internet connection information(ssid, password) to it via HTTP post request.

var configurations = "node-configurations=" + '{"node-configurations":{"nodeId":"' + nodeId + '","gatewayId":"' + gatewayId + '","ssid":"' + ssid + '","password":"' + pass + '"}}';

 method: 'POST',
 data: configurations,
 headers: {
   'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;'
 url: ""

After configuration is sent successfully, it is time to check that this node is registered to Service Provider's IoT-Ignite Platform. This could be done via IoT Ignite cloud REST API.

 method: 'GET',
 headers: {
   'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken
 url: API_URL + '/device/' + deviceId + "/device-node-inventory"


Registered node and things can be unregistered as follows;

 method: 'POST',
   "params": [
        "nodeId": nodeId,
        "sensorId": thingId
 headers: {
   'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken
 url: API_URL + '/device/' + deviceId + '/control/unregister-node-thing'